A Healthy Collaboration…
Over the years the team here at JRI have been involved in some very cool and fantastic collaborations with notable individuals and corporations both small and large but as mad proponents of human-powered, two wheel-driven motion we’re especially stoked to be involved with Swisse’s Ride to Work scheme, the very first of its kind in Australia.
Swisse is one of Australia’s largest vitamin and supplement brands and is not only “talking the talk but walking the walk” by offering its employees a tax-deductible loan of up to $2000 which can be put towards cycling equipment to ride to and from work. This loan can be paid back with pre-tax earnings over a 12-month period. It’s a fantastic corporate leadership move designed to highlight their commitment to wellness and the numerous other benefits of commuting by bicycle.
To commemorate the occasion, the Team at JRI were engaged to design and build a poster-child whip worthy of the profile and media focus this program will generate. As per standard operating procedure, Swisse was consulted as to their design requirements and a rough product outline was then subject to the design Team’s rigorous development process, a highly-structured affair consisting of knowledgeable and dismissive debate both at our top-secret design studios and at various off-site retreats in public places where the presence of onlookers would ensure both unbiased, professional discussion without threat of physical harm and a credible alibi in the event of unforeseen legal action.
The result is a stunning example of track-inspired commuter excess…
Intended to increase envy at first sight?…tick,
Spouse-infuriating ownership temptation?…tick,
Unnecessary attention to detail but hell we can do it so may as well?…tick,
Worthy poster-child, commuter bike of a first-time, national Ride-to-Work scheme?...excessively so, in a let’s go fishing with hand grenades kind of way.
The design Team at JRI are a fortunate lot indeed to get the opportunity to be involved in such exciting initiatives but at the end of the day, sick builds and an end-of-project pat-on-the-back beverage are their own reward.
That and a lifetime supply of Swisse vitamins and supplements of course… we’re all about win-win here.